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以前,森美與一個小朋友比賽打拳,彼此互有輸贏。朋友慢慢長大後,身形變得比森美強,森美被他打了一拳便暈倒了。有時,森美打中他,卻像為他搔癢。森美仍不服輸,多次約他比賽,結果都是一樣;他一拳便把森美打暈了。 面對這樣屢次發生的情況,森美可以怎樣?繼續去打直至賠上性命? 還是理性一點,先想想要打的原因,還有打輸的後果? 再打下去,他就只會受傷,甚至賠上性命。那又值得嗎? 賭錢也是一樣,如果用多年時間都贏不了,就不要再賭了。有時候用理性去分析一下,賭場、只是靠開賭賺錢,就可以養活過萬人,交稅達數億元,他們的錢從哪裏?就是靠大家一分一毫輸去的累積而去。 既是這樣?你還會賭嗎? [US] If you lose, let’s stop and leave.


你只需要一分鐘!在這裡免費註冊Infolinks,然後開始吧!你是一個自豪的資訊連結推薦人。你不需要放置任何廣告或嵌入我們的腳本,以便開始參攷! 注册過程簡單快捷,我們只需創建您獨特的推薦連結,與您的朋友和同事共享。 [US] How can I become an Infolinks referrer?

How can I become an Infolinks referrer?

All you need is one minute! Just sign up to Infolinks free of charge here and Voilà! You are a proud Infolinks referrer. You don’t need to place any ads or to embed our script in order to start referring! The short and easy sign-up process is simply for us to create your unique referral link to share with your friends and colleagues.


推薦計劃旨在幫助Infolinks發佈者通過推薦部落格作者和網站所有者使用Infolinks來大幅增加收入。 Infolinks發佈者推薦計劃簡單明瞭,利潤豐厚:推薦新的發佈者使用Infolinks,12個月內賺取10%的收入! 作為Infolinks推薦合作夥伴,您將獲得自己的個人推薦選項卡,在那裡您可以獲得您唯一的推薦連結,查看實时網站註冊櫃檯,以及下載廣泛的參與橫幅選擇嵌入到您的網站。別忘了把他們和你唯一的推薦網址聯系起來! [US] What is the Infolinks Publisher Referral Program?

What is the Infolinks Publisher Referral Program?

The Referral Program is designed to help Infolinks publishers drastically increase their earnings by referring bloggers and site owners to Infolinks. The Infolinks Publisher Referral Program is plain, simple and super profitable: refer new publishers to Infolinks and earn 10% of their revenue for 12 months! As an Infolinks referral partner, you will get your own personal referral tab where you can get your unique referral link, see a real-time sites sign-up counter, as well as download a wide selection of engaging banners to embed on your site. Just don’t forget to link them with your unique referral URL!


對!InFold降低了你的跳出率,這可能會對你的頁面排名產生負面影響。它也是一個替代訪問者點擊他們的瀏覽器後退按鈕,囙此改善你的搜尋引擎優化,同時提高你的網站的實用性與導航價值。 [US] Can InFold improve my SEO?

Can InFold improve my SEO?

Yes! InFold reduces your bounce rate, which could have a negative impact on your page rank. It is also an alternative to visitors hitting their browser back button and therefore improves your SEO while enhancing the utility of your site with its navigational value.